Saturday, 24 December 2011

Sports Nutrition Manual

If nutrition and dietary knowledge is important for the average gym goer, it becomes that much more vital an aspect for an athlete or sports person and gym members who may not compete but irrespective of that, train at an advanced, elite level. Exercising individuals and athletes need the right kind of fuel (Nutrients) to keep them performing at optimum levels & improve body composition. For that they look to professionals for the proper guidance on this path. They also require detailed guidance about nutritional supplementation. That is why you will find reputed fitness academies in the country always offer courses on Sports & Exercise Nutrition.

Even if you have already been certified with fitness trainer qualifications or are a registered dietician, it always helps to up your knowledge about your chosen field and also educate yourself with detailed and in depth knowledge about sports & exercise nutrition. This is a very specialized field in which even registered dietitians need to be separately educated over & above the education that they receive in their colleges.

A course in Sports Nutrition would be deemed as good only if it is coupled with a comprehensive reference guide/manual. Especially in the field of nutrition, there is so much information that it becomes mandatory for effective education that a text book be created to which a student can keep referring to as a guide to help him in his career even after the course.

Please note that the Sports Nutrition field is nascent & constantly evolving. Be sure that the course you take up is an updated one that educates you in all the latest developments in the field. Since Supplementation is an integral part of sports nutrition, the course you take should include product developments in all the categories of macro & micro nutrient supplementation, including ergogenic aids.

When looking for a sports nutrition manual to educate yourself with, make sure you buy something associated with a reputable fitness academy or institution. An academy that has been known in the industry for the courses, classes, workshops and the thorough science backed education. If you are looking to get into a specialised field such as this or are already a part of the industry, it is your responsibility to educate yourself with the latest and most comprehensive information out there to do justice not only to your job, but also to your personal clients who count on you. It is up to you to keep learning through workshops, classes, read the latest books and the like, in order to stay on the top of your game to ensure your clients stay on top of theirs

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Supplement your Knowledge with a Personal Trainer Manual

Personal training or fitness training has become a huge industry today. With more and more people becoming aware of the benefits of a comprehensive, scientifically devised exercise plan and a scientifically planned diet protocolhave on their performance, health and wellbeing, the demand for good trainers has increased manifold.

If you are an aspirant looking to enter this much in demand profession or already a trainer by profession, you will be happy to know that some reputable fitness academies have now come out with personal trainer manuals that cover all the lectures taken in the course in detail, so that students have a ready reference guide with them even after completion of the course & do not need to rely on the notes that they have taken down in the lectures, which may not be accurate.

Even if you are already a qualified personal trainer, it will always help in your career and professional growth to educate yourself with additional education and knowledge that you can put to use with your clientele.
As a trainer to a client who has trusted you with their body and looks to you for guidance, coaching and moral support, being thoroughly prepared to take on the responsibility and educate yourself with all the possible information about the workings of the human body in regards to fitness, is definitely part of your duty. Personal training manuals that offer you such information can be a great way to keep up to date with the best information on exercise science and nutrition.
Good manuals on sale must list detailed information on various subjects like Anatomy, Exercise Physiology, Kinesiology, and even more importantly the application of these pure sciences on the gym floor & the dinner table.

Such texts can be a good way to take your professional goals and education to a more in-depth level, rather than just using what you have learned from people at the gym, which in most cases is erroneous.
Even if you have done your training from an establishment other than the fitness academy that has printed the personal trainer manual, it can still be extremely helpful to you and how you approach fitness as a career with your clients. They are also a great purchase for gym owners or managers that want to arm their staff with essential information. This could really boost the impact they have on customers.

If you are interested in purchasing such manuals, you will be able to find them online and may also be able to purchase it in other Indian languages like Marathi& Hindi for those who aren’t too comfortable with English.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Learn How to Massage and Diversify your Career

Massage and massage therapy are features that many institutions both fitness and medical are offering nowadays thanks to a growing awareness of its benefits as well as the growing popularity among clientele. Not only are regular massage therapists or those interested in the field but also fitness trainers and other fitness professionals opting to learn how to massage and study the arena in a more in-depth manner. Subsequently you will find reputed fitness academies also including the study of massage as part of their courses and curriculum offering you more choices.

The general benefits of massage are known to be that it is a method of easing physical and mental tension, a mode of relaxation and the like. Since recovery is integral to reaching your fitness goals & massage is a great tool for recovery, it automatically becomes an integral fitness science. From the classic relaxation based Swedish Massages to the more technical Deep Tissue massages aiding in Myofacial release to the more controversial Accupressure based massages, to the aroma therapy based massages, all are taught in todays Fitness academies.

However massage and the many different kinds of massage offer a wide range of health benefits for the entire body that are more in depth. Ligaments and tendons can be kept supple and flexible, toxins can be flushed out, various aspects of the nervous system can be stimulated and soothed, blood circulation can be aided, headaches can be kept at bay and tons of more benefits can be gleaned from the right and skillfully done massage techniques. It can also be of immense help as part of physiotherapy for sportsmen and extremely active individuals. And of course the using of massage as a way to de-stress and unwind in todays very hectic and time-crunched world cannot be discounted.

Nowadays, massage therapy techniques like Swedish massages, Aroma therapy massage, Ayurvedic massage and the like are often requested for at many high end spas, regular medical and alternative medicine facilities and other such institutions. These services are high cost services & hence a person qualified & trained in these therapies can really earn an excellent income.

Even if you are already a practicing massage therapist, brushing up with additional courses or workshops and even opting for a more specialized course from a well known academy will serve you well career wise.

If you are interested in becoming a qualified Massage Therapist, you will find courses that cover aspects like muscular anatomy, importance of stretching and breathing, types of massages, introduction to oils, full body sequence, strokes, and more.

A comprehensive and professional course not only should allow you to learn how to massage but also teach you the more sensitive and finer aspects of bedside etiquette & personal hygene.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Nutrition Training Courses

Guiding people on the path to good health, well being and fitness comes with many a responsibility. Whether you plan to become a gym instructor, personal trainer or opt to help people with their dietary and nutritional needs, becoming well versed with the subject matter is quintessential.

Along with personal training and other such certifications, many fitness academies located in the country have also dedicated themselves to educating people about Sports Nutrition (Nutrition for exercising individuals) with comprehensive courses, to help you get an added edge.

Courses like personal training courses from some reputable academies do cover many nutrition based subjects that teach you about the basics of nutrition and supplementation. However if the nutrition and diet arena is one that interests you specifically, you can opt for courses that cater solely to Sports Nutrition. These courses are geared toward fitness professionals wanting togive nutritional guidance to competitive athletes andhard core gym goers.
These super specialized courses will cover subjects like macro & micro nutrients, water & hydration, pre and post workout nutrition, diet planning for fat loss and muscle gain, Supplementation & ergogenic aids.

Do remember that such certifications are specifically built to increase your knowledge and give you a more in depth understanding of this sphere; it does not qualify you as a registered dietician although ironically giving you more applicable knowledge than registered dietitians have vis-à-vis exercising individuals & their dietary needs.

It isa great way to get further accreditation if you are already in the field of nutrition.

Since exercising and a diet geared towards sports nutrition go hand in hand, nutrition based courses are not just for professionals who are looking to become full time dieticians or nutritionists, but are essential learning for personal trainers.

Certifications from such courses might also give you an added advantage when competing for clients in the highly competitive field of personal training.
Also clients are far more discerning nowadays, they want their trainers to have the right knowledge to get them from point A to Z, not just by showing them how to work out but also their diets for ensuring results. By having control over nutrition, you will be better equipped to show results from your clients as opposed to Personal trainers certified solely in exercise. This will ensure more client referrals & more client renewals. Therefore, many fitness instructors nowadays also opt for nutrition training courses to give them a better Hold over their clients results.